Other Ingrid 38 Ketches

I think it's hard for people to get an idea of what AtLast will look and feel like. How will it move in the water?  How much space will be inside?

So this week I've created this "page" with videos of a two Ingrid 38 ketches similar to AtLast.   These boats have the exact same hull (length, beam, draft et al) that AtLast and they move in a very similar manner as AtLast will.

Both boats are ketches like AtLast.  That means they have a two masts, a main mast and a smaller mizzen mast in the front of the cockpit.   A significant difference between these boats and AtLast is the sail shape.  AtLast will have a gaff rig.  Her sails will be almost square and there is a spar or gaff, at the top of the sails.

The boats in the videos have Marconi rigs.  The sails are triangular and there are no gaffs.. Marconi rigs are more efficient sailing upwind.   A gaff rig has more sail area and therefore more power going downwind, which is of course how we plan to sail!

BTW - CAI tells me that "gaff" can mean "fork".  The gaff and the boom of a gaff sail kind of look like a two-pronged fork.

Enjoy the videos!

Ingrid 38 sailing:


Ingrid 38 interior:


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